
04 April 2018


I think I am being looked after!

As mentioned before, I recently attended the funeral of my old neighbour but this post concerns other immediate neighbours.

The family who gave me a lift to and from the crematorium, or rather the lady of that family, offered to do my shopping to save me going out. I was able to tell her that all my shopping is delivered and I think she was very surprised to hear that I ordered groceries and other stuff on line. Apparently, she didn’t know that older people use computers!

The next morning the ladies who now occupy Doug’s old house (known as The Girls) invited me to Sunday lunch. Of course, I accepted. In the afternoon I had another invitation to tea, that invite coming from the other neighbours. Having already accepted the lunch date I had to decline the second invite. However, I can but hope they renew their offer to feed me!

Yes, I definitely think I’m being looked after. 

It is very reassuring to know that people are thinking about me and are there in case of emergency. I know that if things go wrong I can call on them for help.  It’s very reassuring.

It is still going on. Every morning, by arrangement, I send a text to the girls saying something like ‘I am up’ or ‘Has it stopped raining yet?’ or a simple ‘Hello’ to let them know I’m still alive. If I don’t send a text the girls know something is wrong. They have keys to my house so that they can get in and check. Fortunately, so far so good, but it puts minds at rest. I did forget once and action was taken. What a relief to know that someone reliable will come to my aid if something happens. 

I never thought I would bother with text messaging but now I quite like it. I can say something to the girls without intruding on their lives and vice versa. It is the one invention I have praise for. 


  1. That's AWESOME, Valerie! It warmed my heart to hear how caring and attentive your neighbors are. Yes, my friend, you ARE looked after, and loved. That's such a wonderful feeling, isn't it?

    What I have always admired about you is that you stay involved in life - keeping up with what's going on in the world; learning new things; keeping your mind active and alert. I think it's incredible that you also keep up with technology, continue to write, blog, and text, etc.

    You are such an inspiration!

    Have a grrrrreat day!

    X to you and Charlie

  2. That texting thing is great when used properly. Nice to be looked after, but they only care because they enjoy your company.

  3. Ron, my mind is active but not always right these days. I was having a laugh with a friend not long ago, we were comparing notes on brains... it is amazing how we get things wrong through forgetfulness whereas at one time we were bright and 'with it'. We keep trying, though.

  4. Wonderful. I spent the last year finding out who my real friends are as similar offers come my way for respites from my 24/7 dementia care giving role for my wife...

  5. TB, it is at times like this that we find out who our friends are, as we have discovered.

  6. I think it's nice to say good morning by text everyday. Good on you and your friends for being good neighbours!

  7. Dave, It is a relief to have folk nearby who can be relied on. Residents where I live usually keep themselves to themselves so it is refreshing to have younger and more helpful people living so near.

  8. I am not surprised that you are happy to have these lovely people nearby. Good on them! And good on you for telling them how you appreciate them.

  9. You have a solid safety net around you! How blessed you are.

  10. Joeh. I hope you are right!

  11. Thanks, Jenny. The girls have settled in and I think more than just me appreciate them being here.

  12. Neighbors like that are far and few in between anymore, it's nice to hear about it.

  13. You are blessed because you are awesome. Glad to hear all is well, Val. Take care.

  14. What a lovely tribute post, Valerie, on the caring that your friends have for you and you for them. I agree that texting can be a useful tool when it is not overdone. My friend and I will text each other every morning to keep in touch. She is a cancer survivor and we live 6 hours apart so this contact is important to both of us. We usually will talk on the phone once a week as well. You are doing very well to keep your mind active and I really enjoy all your stories, even if not commenting on every post. Thank you.


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