
18 May 2019

FROM MAN TO DAME... a rerun of an old post!

I had the pleasure of seeing this performance again and remembered that I had blogged about it on the first occasion. So, while I’m still laughing at the star turn I thought I’d post it again so you can all have a giggle … with apologies to any bloggers who read it before.

From Man to Dame

What a pantomime the day was, or rather the afternoon. Being an invited guest and Federation representative at a WI event I was obliged to talk about the future of the WI as it approached its centenary year. The prospect was so daunting I had spent a couple of weeks preparing for it by nightly listening to my recorded words. Imagine my pleasure, therefore, when I found myself adlibbing like a practised speech-maker.

My performance was followed by a different kind when the audience was given an insight into the world of theatre … in the form of pantomime dame. Entering from stage right (got the lingo, you see) a rather serious man in business clothes sauntered to where his props and outfits were laid out and proceeded to undress. You can imagine the rapturous cries emanating from the mouths of ladies in their twilight years. But the guy had come prepared for beneath his pinstripes he wore garish bloomers and vest and a pair of multi-coloured striped socks. That was tough on the ladies.

There followed a demonstration on how to apply stage make-up, many tips being offered on the application of eye colour and how best to apply lipstick. All the time our ‘dame’ kept up a humorous dialogue, frequently aiming hilarious comments to the ladies in the front row. At the end of this routine came the dressing which, of course, required help from the audience. Brightly coloured dresses, hats, wigs, and outrageous earrings were tried on and with each outfit came more patter aimed at selected members of the audience. It was extremely funny and most of us wept tears as we laughed. ‘Oh yes you are, Oh no you’re not’ was practised to perfection, and ‘It’s behind you’ went with a swing. There was a singing contest, us against them, the volume increasing with each note that left most of us hoarse. What fun it was to be transported to childhood in such a pleasant way and who said us oldies couldn’t have fun? 


  1. Us oldies have the most fun!

  2. OMG Valerie, what a HOOT! You know, I would have LOVED seeing this myself. What a clever and amusing performance. And it's sounds like you ladies really enjoyed it as well. The guy who performed this sounds like he'd be an excellent stand-cup comedian!

    Thanks so much for sharing the laugh, my friend. And I don't ever remember reading this post before, so it was a first for me!

    Have a super Sunday!

    X to you and Charlie

    1. I really thought you had read this, Ron, but I'm glad you hadn't. It was a hoot taking part in the guy's performance... or so the ladies told me.

      I can't believe it is Sunday ... again!

  3. Sounds like a great performance. I once saw Danny La Rue in Scarborough.

    1. I wish I had seen Danny La Rue, but this guy was good.

  4. Never apologize for rerunning an amusing post. Your colorful description brought it to life (thanks for the laughs).

    1. glad you enjoyed it, Jon. It was indeed an afternoon of fun for us ladies.

  5. A fun post, Valerie, and it was also a first time read for me. Who said oldsters don't have fun was sadly mistaken and WRONG as well.

    1. The event was like a tonic, and stayed with us for a long time. The ladies wanted me to book him again but I declined on the basis that a first time is great, a second time not so.

  6. Oldsters have the most fun, because we have seen it all and can improve on it!!

    1. Yes, indeed. Thanks for visiting, Susan.

  7. What fun Valerie and so impressed you get up and speak in front of everyone. I don't think I could have been that brave.

    1. Hi Dense, I could only do it if I had notes to refer to. I was terribly nervous at first but got better as the years went on. It helps to know your audience.

  8. Hi Valerie, a second comment to wish you a belated Happy Birthday šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰ after your comment on my post noting the 22nd anniversary of our first date.

    1. Thank you so much. I had a very quiet birthday... I was told before that the older we get the less people want to celebrate such an occasion. Wrong!

  9. Happy belated birthday as well, Val! Thanks for sharing your story again. Just as delightful and funny as the first time.

    1. Thank you, Matt, on two counts. Hope you and family are well.

  10. Oh no I missed your birthday, I'm sorry. Sounds like a fun evening. Would it have worked so well if it were a woman who dressed as a man? Probably not. :D

    1. I don't think so, in fact I'm sure it would't, unless of course the audience was all male.


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