courtesy of Faye)
Long Walk
(Final part of Fear Awaits at Journey’s End)
The light was dimming and there was a cold
chill that made Leonora shudder. She wasn’t sure whether to run or walk but one
thing was sure, she simply had to get rid of the fear that gripped her heart as
she passed the eerie growth on either side of the path. All around the winds
whispered, a ghostly sound of unseen beings waiting to pounce. Leonora trembled
and wished she’d listened to those friends who had urged her to catch the bus
and go home the long way round. Who knew what lurked in that desolate place,
they said.
Her house was
situated on the furthest end of Hermitage Road and this newly laid path
shortened the journey by twenty minutes. Going by bus would have been more
sensible but after a few drinks with the girls she had lost the power of
reasonable thought.
Leonora looked
round quickly, fearing that some creature might have been behind her all the
time. She saw nothing, her fear magnifying everything. Yet the footsteps
sounded real, crunching against the frosty ground. The urge to run grew
stronger but her feet were leaden. What would she do if her weary body couldn’t
get her home before dark? Looking up at the sky she saw the clouds shift,
revealing a pale moon. Perhaps it wouldn’t look so bad once moonlight emerged.
Leonora hadn’t
been the same since that fearful incident on the train, when that dreadful
Arthur Mott had … what? Done what? She had felt threatened by him but he didn’t
actually do … anything … to harm her. And he hadn’t been charged with anything.
Things had been
hectic at work. The bosses wanted everything done at the same time. Her fingers
ached from high speed typing, and so did her back. She felt tired, knew she
shouldn’t have come this way. Other times the walk had been refreshing, but not
tonight. The moon, high in the darkening sky, looked menacing. She wouldn’t
have been surprised to see a black cat sitting on it. Was a black cat supposed
to bring good luck or was it a symbol of bad things, haunting things?
Leonora took a
few more tentative steps, fearing the dark, fearing the twigs that reached out
and snagged her hair. In the distance an owl called, its cry more like a baby
than a bird. A crying babe. Leonora
mentally shook herself, told herself not to be silly. Taking a tight grip on
her fear she hurried on, following the path round, hoping street lights would
soon be seen.
Godfrey Hastings rang the bell and for good
measure knocked again on Leonora’s door. He’d been sure she would have been
home from her new office job by now but there was no sign of her. He still
couldn’t understand why she wanted to go out to work, but appreciated that
being with people probably did her more good than living alone in this
desperately quiet area.
While he tried
to decide whether he should wait or come back later he saw her hurrying along
the road. His heart did its familiar lurch at the sight of her. Even in the
dark she looked beautiful. He couldn’t wait to take her in is arms and gaze
into those welcoming almond shaped eyes.
Leonora was so
pleased to see him. She thought again that it must have been an act of God that
caused them to meet on the train a mere two months ago. They got on so well.
Each time they met she felt as though they had been friends forever. She
hurried the last few yards and threw herself into his waiting arms. For no apparent reason they both laughed,
such was their relationship.
After supper Leonora curled up at Godfrey’s
side on the lounge sofa. The room was lit by firelight and table lamps, giving a
romantic feel to the stylish room. ‘I feel safe in this room,’ she said,
unaware that she had even thought about it. Her nerves seem to have been
rattled since taking the short-cut home.
Godfrey took her
right hand in his, lovingly ran his thumb across the raised veins that
emphasised the elegance of her tapering fingers. ‘What made you say that?’ he
Leonora snuggled
into him, told him about the walk home, even laughed about her fear. ‘My
imagination ran amok,’ she said. ‘I even thought the twigs were out to get me.’
Godfrey laughed
with her, even though he understood what she meant. He had taken that walk one
day, though not at night, and could imagine the effect it would have on someone
with a nervous disposition. Not that he thought Leonora was a nervous person
but he knew she was still troubled about that awful Arthur Mott.
Leonora shifted
her position slightly so that she could look at Godfrey’s face. Still holding
his hand, she told him about a recent strange experience. ‘I was in the bedroom
getting ready for work. There was a strange noise downstairs, in the kitchen,
like something falling. I went to investigate but couldn’t find anything amiss.
It must have been my imagination. But I heard it again the next day. Whatever
it was clanged on the quarry tiles. Again, I found nothing. But the funny thing
was I spotted one of my visiting cards on the floor. I don’t know how it got
there but it couldn’t have made a noise, could it?’
Arthur Mott strolled past the house,
noticed the light showing through a crack in the curtains of a downstairs
window. He pressed his hands to his stomach in an effort to control his
fluttering anticipation and remembered his mother’s warning not to act hastily
when he was excited. Even as a young boy he always obeyed her wishes. The
consequence of disobedience saw to that. For an instant he visualised the cane
coming down on his naked manhood. Quickly he brushed the vision away. He didn’t
want his dead mother interfering in what he had to do, even though it was all
for her.
Next morning Godfrey sat at his desk at the
station, musing over the mysterious happenings at Leonora’s house. Things that go bump in the night was an
expression dreamed up by storytellers, it just didn’t happen in real life. To
his way of thinking if Leonora had heard something then there was something
there to be heard. She wasn’t an imaginative woman; neither did she make stuff
up. He would have to keep an eye on things. If he had pursued their budding
romance a little more perhaps by now he would be spending nights there. He had
to admit he quite fancied sharing her bed.
Godfrey’s mind
wandered, thinking now of their more passionate embraces and wondering why she
gently but firmly brushed him off. Although a little on the plump side he was
well groomed and reasonably good looking. Reaching into the top drawer of his
desk he withdrew a hand mirror, kept there for when he needed to shave before going
out on a job. He studied his face. Admittedly his nose was rather aquiline but
it wasn’t ugly. And his skin was perfect clear, not a spot nor a blemish in
sight. Right now he was in need of a shave but that was only to be expected at
this time of day.
The buzzing
telephone distracted his personal scrutiny. ‘Yes?’ he barked into the received.
call for you,’ said the station secretary. ‘Mrs Deloitte.’
her through, Maisie.’
started to speak before Godfrey could say Hello. ‘Oh Godfrey, thank God you’re
‘Leonora? What
on earth’s wrong?’
‘I’ve just seen
that dreadful man walk past the house. I’m certain it was him. I was in the
bedroom. He looked up, as if he knew I was there, but he couldn’t have known,
could he? Not with the nets there. He couldn’t have seen through the nets,
could he?’ Oh Godfrey, I’m so scared.’
‘Leonora, my
love, calm down. You’re right he couldn’t have seen you unless, of course, you
had the light on.’ Godfrey swivelled round to face the window as if to verify
the state of the light outside. ‘When you say that man, I assume you mean Arthur Mott. But it couldn’t be him, my
darling. He doesn’t know where you live.’
we don’t know his whereabouts either.
A neighbouring
force had issued notices that Mott was wanted for questioning about a recent
accost situation. The girl had only brief glimpses of her assailant as he
attacked from behind but she got a good look when she employed her martial arts
training. Unfortunately, the guy had managed to get away but she lost no time
reporting the matter to the police and handing over the knife that had fallen
to the ground. Godfrey thought hard about that knife, remembering the case for
which Mott did time, when he’d cut the letters IAM in the victim’s bedroom
door. I AM. I, Arthur Mott.
Leonora had been
so screwed up she hadn’t thought that Arthur Mott couldn’t possibly know where
she lived. After a while she managed to pull herself together and went on to
discuss the arrangements for an evening out. ‘I’ll wear my finest outfit,’ she
said, ‘I don’t want to let you down in front of your colleagues.’
‘That, my dear,
would be impossible.’ Godfrey knew that she would be a knock-out with the men
at the police ball. They would be jealous as hell when they saw his elegant
companion. If all went well tonight would be the turning point in their
relationship. He wanted the evening to be as pleasurable for her as it would be
for him because at the end of it he intended to ask her to marry him. Maybe
later he would tell her about the recent development, reassure her that he
would guard her with his life.
Arthur Mott had been here so often he knew
the signs of occupancy. When she was at home there was always a light in the
front porch, when she was out the place was in total darkness. Not very clever,
he thought. Anyone would know it was safe to break in with regular signals like
that. But he had the place to himself and had chosen to try out her bed while
he waited.
Lying on
Leonora’s bed he gazed at the ceiling, thinking back to when he followed her
along that dark path. He could have got her then but her fear stopped him.
Sensing her fright and hearing panic in her breath was like an aphrodisiac. It
had been a long time since he was turned on by sheer apprehension. He wanted to
continue terrorising; the heavy, heady stuff would come later.
He could feel
the warmth of the duvet beneath him and debated whether or not to actually
climb inside. ‘What should I do, Mother? ‘Of course, he knew the answer. She
would want him to undress and wait for Leonora. Wait for her to exclaim in
delight about his body, to insist on joining him under the pale blue cover.
Quickly he checked the pillows and decided that one would be enough to complete
his task. Despite his size he was a strong man and he didn’t think too much
pressure would be required.
The digital
clock on the bedside table said 12.15. She was very late coming home. Other
nights he had watched her she had been home at a reasonable hour, 10,30 had
been the latest. Except when that awful Godfrey was with her, then they were
much earlier. Arthur allowed himself to wonder what they got up to when they
were alone in her house but then he thought about his mother and pushed those
thoughts away.
Leonora was
exactly what his mother liked in a woman and Arthur was prepared to go along
with her wishes that he take another one in deference to her. Not for him a
compliant plump beauty, not until his mother’s desires had been fulfilled. For
an instance rebellion took over. One day, he thought, one day I’ll consider
myself for a change.
Leonora and Godfrey strolled from the
garage, arms entwined, matching each other’s steps as they neared Godfrey’s
front door. ‘I had a wonderful time tonight,’ she said, raising her face for
another kiss.
Leonora had
looked stunning in the lilac dress, with her greying hair decorated with a matching
flower just above her left ear. He had seen the approving glances of his mates,
with a wink or two thrown in for good measure, and he felt proud to be the
escort of such a beautiful woman.
Placing his lips
on hers Godfrey murmured that he too had enjoyed it. He remembered that feeling
of joy as they danced the last waltz, when she whispered that she loved him. Oh
and how he loved her in return.
Because of the
lateness of the hour Leonora had agreed to stay at Godfrey’s house, although
both knew that the lateness of the hour had little to do with the reason for
staying. They simply wanted to be together.
It was nearly 2 o’clock in the morning before Arthur finally accepted
the idea that Leonora wasn’t coming home. Thrusting back the duvet he shot out
of Leonora’s bed and started to collect his clothes that had been strewn
anywhere in his hurry to accommodate his mother. ‘You’ll be the death of me,’ he cried. ‘Perhaps
when I contribute another naked offering you’ll give me some peace. Sitting on
the side of the bed, he retrieved his knife from under the pillow, put it in
his trouser pocket. He slipped on the brown shoes, laced them, and remembered
his mother’s brief reincarnation, her eyes flashing as she covered him with her
putrid flesh and worked him over with stubby fingers that gripped too hard.
He stormed down
the stairs and into the hall. Pulling open the front door he glanced left and
right to see if anyone was in sight. He wouldn’t want to be caught without
having achieved his goal.
Godfrey had the day off, so Leonora rang
the office to request a day’s leave. They needed to enjoy the newness of their
romance, being together was all they wanted. Wearing the jeans and low cut linen
blouse that she’d brought with her prior to the ball, they lazed about,
sometimes in practical mood but mostly wrapped in an invigorating cloak of passion.
They adored each other and Leonora was amazed that grandmother status hadn’t
got in the way of worshipping her jolly and caring man. They made plans, the
first one being for her to introduce Godfrey to her family.
‘We could go for
a weekend,’ Godfrey said. ‘On the train, relive the day we met.’
But the day was
not one Leonora wanted to remember so she suggested that a leisurely drive down
would be preferable. Godfrey could have kicked himself for his stupidity. Still
debating the point they had a late breakfast of fresh grapefruit and mushroom omelets
cooked to perfection by Godfrey.
Midmorning they
went for a walk. Although cold the day was spring-like. The sun was shining and
the birds were having a free-for-all on the roof tops. Holding Leonora’s arm
Godfrey steered her towards the local park, through the iron gates, and across
the damp grass to the lake. It was beautiful. A perfect setting for romantic
lovers. ‘I was wondering,’ he said, as they approached a wooden bench, ‘if you
felt the same as me.’
‘I think so,’
Leonora replied, inwardly trying to speculate what was to come next.
Godfrey sat on
the bench, pulled her down beside him. Holding her hand, he looked deep into
her eyes. ‘I was wondering if you would marry me. I mean we get on so well in
all respects and I thought … well, I hoped we could make it a permanent
Leonora laughed
and squeezed his hand. ‘Now you’re thinking about football again.’
Godfrey flushed
and wished he’d had the sense to choose his words more carefully. ‘I didn’t
‘I know what you
meant.’ Leonora leaned against him, thinking what a comfort he was, how solid,
and how much she loved him. ‘Marrying you would make me the happiest woman in
the world.’
Godfrey was
overcome with emotion.
In the moonlight Arthur Mott walked slowly,
thinking about the time he’d followed Leonora along the same isolated path.
He’d been careless then, not even attempting to disguise his footsteps. Now he
made sure each step was noiseless by walking on the grass verge. Practising.
Just in case. Practice makes perfect, his mother always said. And she should
know. Reaching the end of the hedge he could see Leonora’s house. It was a
splendid, well kept house, and right now only the porch was lit.
An inspection,
front and back, told him she was probably in bed. Bedroom curtains were never
drawn when she was out. Quite casually he returned to the back of the house and entered through the back door. It was one of those
doors with an easy Yale plus a mortise that was obviously seldom used by an owner
who failed to recognise the need for self-protection.
Silently pushing
open the door he moved into the kitchen, smelled again the lingering aroma of
cooking. He imagined her to be a good cook, not in the least worried about
diets. Arthur swore when his foot caught in the rug. Trying to free it made him
stumble against the table, sending a couple of cups crashing to the floor. Damn
stupid having loose rugs in a kitchen, he thought. That was the problem with
moving round in the dark. He’d found the light switch but decided against
illuminating the kitchen in case the neighbours were nosy-parkers. Because of that slight accident he now had to
wait until he was sure the noise hadn’t disturbed Leonora before going upstairs
and surprising her while she slept.
He leaned
against a tall cupboard and allowed Leonora’s image to enter his mind. How
would she be dressed? Would she be wearing a nightdress or PJs? Or would she be
naked. He hoped the former, wanting more than anything to tear the clothes off
her before she was fully awake, quickly overpowering her as realisation hit
home. Quickly he checked that his new knife and sticky tape were still in his
pocket. The rope was loosely tied round his middle, one jerk and it was ready
to tie her to the bed.
Arthur swallowed
hard, taking control of his thoughts.
Leonora never drew the bedroom curtains.
She liked to sleep in a moonlit room or, when there was no moon, use a bedside lamp
just powerful enough to see where she was going. She nuzzled Godfrey’s neck and
kissed his ear, enjoying the warmth of his body and giving silent thanks that
this man would soon be hers. Now that they had decided to marry they saw no
reason why they shouldn’t spend all their time together. Godfrey was asleep but
Leonora’ mind was too full of wedding plans to sleep.
She gazed at the
lacy design reflected on the ceiling. Maybe a lace veil would be too much for a
mature bride. She liked the idea of an all white wedding but thought a second
time round didn’t warrant it. But the grandchildren would look lovely in
wedding finery. Maybe she …
Suddenly she sat
up; sure that she’d heard a noise downstairs. Slowly she eased her legs out of
bed, trying not to disturb Godfrey. Sliding her arms into a blue dressing gown,
she crept towards the door, opened it, and listened. Except for her beating
heart, everything was quiet. It must have been her imagination playing tricks.
Outside some cats were squabbling, it could have been that which disturbed her.
She went to the
window, thinking to shoo them away, opened it and breathed in the night air,
seeing the shadows cast by the moon. The apple tree looked gaunt in the half
light; there was an eerie feel about it. So much for romantic moonlit nights,
she thought, remembering the fearful walk along that lonely path.
For several days
she’d experienced bad feelings especially at night. There was something about
the house, this room that disturbed her, especially when she found her bed
unmade. Something she rarely overlooked even when she was late. It felt almost
as if another presence shared it with her. Though it was reasonably warm in the
room she shivered, then chastised herself for being silly. Leonora yawned. This
is no good, she thought. I need to get back to sleep. But she knew that wouldn’t
happen until she’d had a drink. A cup of tea would be just the thing.
Although Geoffrey
was a light sleeper he didn’t risk sinking into oblivion. He needed to be alert
but calm enough not to worry Leonora. He’d stirred just as Leonora swung her
legs out of bed but he hadn’t expected her to spend time gazing out of the
window. ‘What’s up, honey, can’t you sleep?
Leonora laughed.
‘Go back to dreamland while I fetch us both a nice warm drink.’ She heard again
the odd noise that had disturbed her a short while ago.
Godfrey heard it
too. Sliding out of bed, he grabbed his trousers, pulled them on, slid his bare
feet into his shoes, then snatched up his mobile phone from the bedside cabinet.
Listened again to the noise, guessed at it being the kitchen drawer, the one
that jammed half way. ‘Stay here,’ he
ordered. ‘Probably cats out in the yard. I’ll go down and sort them out.’
Arthur heard her coming. He cursed. This
wasn’t part of the plan. He wanted her upstairs, not here where there was a good
chance a neighbour would see a light going on. He’d done time for the last one,
he didn’t want to end up there again. Moving at a rapid pace he headed towards
the kitchen door through which his victim would appear, one arm ready to grab
her the second she was through. In his hand was the pad he would use to stifle
a scream before she uttered it. Chloroform. Enough to knock her out until he
could secure her to the bed. The one he’d slept on, the one where she would
sleep her last. He felt the saliva gathering in his mouth, a measure of his
excitement. His smile was evil. Yes, his mother would be well pleased with this
He was ready.
Pad in hand, he stood by the door, silently waiting for it to open. A few minutes
and she would be his.
Godfrey had often been told by his mates
that he had a sixth sense but this was one time when he knew what was going on. It
wasn’t a hunch… he just knew. He’d seen vengeance in Mott’s eyes the last time
he was picked up. And now he was up against him again, man to man. It remained
to be seen who the best man was and Godfrey was highly confident that it would
not be Arthur Mott.
Godfrey’s cautious
nature made him pause outside the door and listen. He could swear he heard
heavy breathing on the other side. Instinctively he knew that it was Arthur
Mott, and only a door separated them. If he stayed quiet Mott would soon step
through to check the hallway and stairs. There was only one possible escape
route and that was the way he’d come in.
It was good
thinking on Godfrey’s part to secure the front door before escorting Leonora
upstairs, taking the house keys with him. If only he’d remembered her dislike
of over-locking, hating to think she couldn’t get out of the house in an
emergency. He should be horse-whipped for trusting her word that she’d securely
locked the back door. Some perishing copper he was! Well, let’s
get something right, let’s catch the bastard and skin him alive!.
Right now, the
surprise element was on his side. Godfrey waited for the overconfident pervert
to push open the door that led to the stairs. There was just enough room for
him to remain out of sight until Mott was at the right level to receive the
full weight of Godfrey’s karate chop to the back of the neck, backed up by
other blows. He was still unconscious when the squad car arrived. ‘Thank God
for mobile phones,’ he said to the recumbent form of Arthur Mott as Leonora
opened the door to the first copper.
She would never forget that day, the
discovery of Arthur Mott’s initials on the pantry door, the relief on Godfrey’s
face when that evil man was handcuffed and taken away, the slow evaporation of
her own fear. Godfrey’s assertion that he had let her down was received with
scorn; how could he think that when he had literally saved her life? A lot of
time was spent on conjecture and supposition but today was their special day
and there wasn’t a soul in the world that could spoil it for them.
Leonora’s smile
was radiant as she looked into Godfrey’s eyes at the end of the wedding
ceremony. She was so proud that she had married a brave man, one who cared
deeply for her, who had promised before God to take care of her for the rest of
their days.
whew now that will get your heart pumping eh? smiles...i remember this one...even still....nice karate chop save....smiles.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic story Valerie. I really involved, actually felt very uneasy about it wondering what the ending would be and you did a great one here.
ReplyDeletep.s. I'm glad I didn't read this before I went to bed last night ;)
Great finish, Valerie! I so enjoyed reading this one again. Well done!
ReplyDeleteAnd on another note. I noticed on your side the bottle of Guerlain's Parure Gold Fluid Foundation. I used to work for Guerlain many years ago and love their products. They have some of the best skincare and makeup on the market. Meteorites powder is the BOMB!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
X to you and Joe!
Brian, I read books... I know about karate chops... grins.
ReplyDeleteDenise, I hope you don't get nightmares... smiles.
Hi Ron, I'm pleased you read the final part again. Glad you enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteI was right, I thought you once worked for Guerlain. I love their perfume (Vol de Nuit... have used that for XX years) and the Terracotta Bronzers too. Now I'm a fan of Parure Gold which feels like a touch of luxury.
I remember reading this story too - but I didn't remember all of it, so it was a very good read again, Valerie!
ReplyDeleteAh ha! I knew there was nothing that a good karate chop couldn't solve! Heh.
ReplyDeleteAnd I loved the way you broke up this story. Made for perfect bite-sized chunks of text that made the reading simply zip by. Great job!
A wonderful ending Valerie..I was not able to end reading in one shot and was doing everything in a hurry to resume reading..My husband wondered why I was in such a hurry..I have to go to my daughter's m pleased that I finished it before I I can go with a free mind and m happy the way the story ended..
ReplyDeleteRanita, I'm honoured that you stopped to read the end of the story. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHerman, when I wrote this I wondered if the karate chop was adequately applied... grins.
Fantastic once again, Val. Thank you so much sharing your talented writing with all of us. It's greatly appreciated. I also caught up on Joe's latest in post before and glad to hear he's doing okay. Take care.