I sit alone, breathing in the silence of early morning. Outside
the dawn is beginning to break. From where I sit, huddled against the cold, I
can just make out the awakening light through the trees. Soon there will be
bird noises. The tiny creatures will need to fluff their feathers to keep warm.
They’re lucky it didn’t snow in the night although it would make a nice scene
for me to look at. All my
nights are spent in this chair because a recurring dream dictates that I do not
go to bed. Did I say recurring? The word should be used loosely because each
one has a difference.
Have you ever had a nightmare, one so scary you dare not shut your
eyes again? Did you experienced the cold sweat of relief when you realised it
was just a dream? That’s how it used to be with me but now… now there is no
reprieve. I am doomed to spend my days and nights in fear.
It started a year ago, after the office dinner-dance. I had been
dancing with the handsomest man in the party, presumed to be an invited guest
from another branch of the firm. Yes, I fancied him. And why not?
We were free agents. Newly freed, both divorced from our partners, both
childless and living alone.
His name was Nick. Friends laughingly referred to him as Old Nick
because he was older than most of us by about twenty years. With his dark
looks, age didn’t matter.
That evening I fell for the smouldering eyes and the way he held
his head to one side when he spoke. You may think there was nothing remarkable
about that, but you can’t see what I did. The gesture seemed inviting and I was
determined to find out to what I was being invited.
I wore black that night, a strappy, slinky number that suggested
more than it showed. I know he liked it by the way he fingered the straps as we
danced. I’d only ever danced inches away from a partner but with Nick I was
held close to his body, the way I’ve seen in films. We moved in unison,
swaying, his body moulded to mine. I didn’t know I was that lithe, to be honest.
It was like that all the way through the evening. I had the
greatest time and as the night wore on I began to think about what might happen
at the end. Would he want to take me home? Would I invite him in? Of course, I
would. He’d got me rearing to go and I was determined to see it through.
You can imagine my frustration when he left me after the last
waltz. ‘Catch you later,’ was all he said before disappearing through the
double doors to face the moonlit night alone. It’s a man thing, I realised, as I lay in bed and went over the
evening events. Even so, ‘catch you later’ was very off-putting. A girl didn’t
know whether he meant it or if it was merely an opt-out. Later on that night I
was to find out.
Nick came to me as I slept. In a dreamy state I welcomed him in my
arms. It was him, yet he looked different, older. The handsome face was, well,
odd. If I told you it was distorted you’d think, yeah, that’s how dreams are. I
tried to recall how he looked at the dance but those striking features eluded
me. Now all I could see was pockmarked skin and bloodshot eyes.
Although his suggestion that we go on a train journey was met with
surprise, I agreed. How we got there is a mystery but, yeah, that’s how
dreams are. We were comfortably seated in a compartment, the only two people
there, when he suddenly got to his feet, dragging me up as well. The next thing
I remember was being hustled along the corridor. I dropped my bag and began to
fret about losing the valuables, credit card and cash, but Nick wouldn’t stop.
Instead he dragged me further along until we reached the door. The train was
rocking with speed as he pushed it open and tried to throw me out.
I woke up screaming. My face and throat were wet with sweat. The
duvet was on the floor, pillows strewn on top. It took a long time to regain my
calm and grasp that it was only a dream.
Normally I forget dreams the minute I wake, but this one
lingered. It haunted me through the tea and toast, it bothered me while I
dressed, and worried me even more when I was ready to go and couldn’t find my
bag. Had I left it at the hotel? Still somewhat taken aback by Nick’s sudden
disappearance I’d walked home, trying to analyse the whole thing. There was no
need for money and my house key was hidden under the pot in the garden. I never
took it with me when I went dancing.
The first thing I did when I arrived at the office was to ring the
hotel. No, Madam, no lost property was handed in. I went round the staff,
asking questions. No, Maria, they said, they hadn’t seen anything lying around.
Perhaps you didn’t take it to the dance, suggested my closest working
companion. I was pretty sure I did.
I reported the loss to the hotel, the office administrator, and
the police.
It bothered me that I should lose a bag in a dream and then find
it really was lost.
After doing the important things like notifying the bank, I
settled down to work. In fact I worked extra hard in the hope that the awful
day would end quickly.
There wasn’t much of interest on television but I carried on
watching until my eyes began to blur. A hot shower and an early night would be
good, I thought, and then bed.
I climbed in, hugged the comforting duvet to me, tugged the pillow
into position, then went straight to sleep. For once my overactive thoughts
left me in peace.
He came again that night, his presence announced by repeatedly
uttering my name. Ma-reee-ya, Ma-reee-ya. It made me shiver. He was dressed in
black with a white silk scarf knotted at the neck. Facial growth covered his
chin, dark whiskers that made him look older than his years. His distorted
features were now quite grotesque, sunken cheeks, a lopsided nose, swollen
lips, one eye open, the other closed. He was friendlier than before, although
his grip on my hand was vice-like as he invited me to accompany him for a walk.
Because the evening was on the cool side, I slipped a shawl around
my shoulders. A gift from a friend, beige coloured, embroidered with peacocks
and my initials MD in the middle. We took the path that led to the lake,
pausing now and again to kiss, and for me to suffer the rising nausea each time
he pressed his lips against mine. I had no choice but to surrender since his
hold on me was like steel. I remember it so well. I also remember his
hysterical laughter as he pushed me into the lake.
Struggling to keep my head above the murky water, I screeched and
screeched that I couldn’t swim.
Then I woke, still shaking with fear, horrified to feel so
drenched. My rose patterned nightdress was soaked with perspiration, the duvet
wrapped so tight I sweated with the heat.
And so it goes on. Every night he tries to kill me, each attempt
different to the last. His face is skeletal now and the more gruesome he gets
the worse the torture. The fear is so great I am afraid to sleep lest he
should succeed.
The man called Nick, whom I met at the dance, rang me not so long
back. He apologised for leaving me so hurriedly and suggested we meet up for a
night out. I turned him down. I could no longer be sure if he and my ‘dream’
man were one and the same.
The psychiatrist had lots of explanations about my state of mind,
none of which I understood. I mean, I was normal before all this started.
Wasn’t I? Anyway, the psychiatrist reckons that dreams are figments of
imagination. You know, I would believe that if it wasn’t for the fact that my
handbag was found beside a railway line some 90 miles from where I live. I
suppose someone, somewhere, is wearing my lovely shawl since it is nowhere in
the house and I am not careless enough to mislay things without knowing.
So I sit here breathing in the silence of early morning. Outside
the dawn settles in. From where I sit, huddled against the cold, I can see
sunlight filtering through the trees. Soon there will be bird calls. They are
lucky it didn’t snow in the night. It doesn’t matter to me; I’m too tired to go
out these days. Since sleep is something to dread I sit here, alone with my
thoughts, and wonder how much longer I must exist in this dream, doing nothing
else but link figments of imagination until they resemble life as it was.
If I could differentiate between fantasy and reality things would
be different. Maybe I should turn the tables, take the lead, form a plan; a
successful one. My best friend thinks I am incapable of rational thought; she
may be right but it would be good to try and prove her wrong.
Elusive thoughts often flutter through my head, ideas on how to
bring an end to this mental incarceration. Perhaps I should not have turned
Nick down after all. Maybe a daytime rendezvous would help me see things more
clearly. What’s that old adage? Do unto others as they do unto you? Ah
yes, now we’re talking!
It’s quite light outside now. The birds are fighting each other
for food. A woodpigeon lands on a slender bough in the cherry tree, seesaws
until the branch settles to a stop. A feral cat lurks behind the hydrangea;
watching, waiting; food for a week. I too am watching … and waiting. A chance
is all I need, I think, as I turn to gaze at the phone. ‘Hello, Nick,’ I’ll
say. ‘How’re you doing?’

Good one, Valerie!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sharon.
DeleteGreat tale, though I would be a bit leery. I think our dreams are our unconscious warning bell, or is that a bit silly? Probably but I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Thanks Valerie! I'm glad you republished this one.
ReplyDeleteNot silly at all, Denise. Dreams have to come from somewhere. Glad you enjoyed the story, if enjoy is the right word
ReplyDeleteThat's scary stuff!!!!
I am in awe, of all who can write fiction. It boggles my mind, how it is done.
But I am glad, some can do it.
Thank you. Writing comes easy if you let the imagination flow. It's getting it down on paper that's the hardest part but that comes with practice.
DeleteI'm assuming this is fiction done very well...if not HOLY CRAP!!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is fiction... honestly!
DeleteValerie, I do remember reading this before, however, I had the same reaction I had when I read it the first time....."OMG!!!! The ending gave me CHILLS!
ReplyDeleteAs I've shared with you many times before, I so admire your ability to write in so many genres. And your ability to write fiction is so impressive to me, because I have no talent for it.
And so many of your stories I could see being made into screenplays as movies.
Well done, my friend. WELL done!
X to you and Mr. Charlie
Good morning, Ron. I had a feeling you had read this before and it is kind of you to read it again and to comment on it. If someone offers to screen one of my stories I promise not to ignore the approach...seriously.
ReplyDeleteHope your week is going well. Charlie says Hi, at least I think he did!
Your story could be made into a film. It's amazing how powerful dreams are and how anything is possible.
ReplyDeleteIt's a thought, Dave. If only I knew the someone in the filming business! Thanks for reading it.
DeleteGreat story. It brought back images of Dean R Koontz' novels. Very nightmarish. :-)
ReplyDeleteGreetings from London.
Thank you, Cuban. I must check out that author. I know the name but can't place his books.
DeleteWell done, Val. I know you said it was a repeat but I don't think I read it the first time it was posted so thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, Matt. Kinda glad you didn't miss this one....lolol.
DeleteThis was also a first-time read for me, Valerie, although in all likelihood I would have re-read it. The story was quite fascinating and I too have had quite vivid dreams which fade so quickly. I can only recall waking up and screaming once from a nightmarish one, thankfully all the others have been less frightful. If this were one of my dreams, I may also have awoken drenched in sweat and fear as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment, Beatrice. I don't think I have ever had a dream like that, nor do I want one haha.