Mom bought me some new toys yesterday, a small giraffe and a highly
colourful snake. I don’t go a bundle on the snake because it has no extra bits
to chew but the giraffe is soft enough to take to bed. Funnily enough I seem to
fall asleep quicker when I have a new cuddly toy as well as my earless
mouse. I play with it for a while, and
have a bit of a chew on an ear, if it has one, and then I feel myself drifting
off. Dad said I’m spoiled rotten. What do you think?
Well, last night, I had a deep sleep which I can only think was
induced by the new giraffe’s presence. Not a thing disturbed me until I woke to
hear mom going on about a cat show. I’d spent hours dreaming of victoriously
catching rodents and now it looked like I was entering a really bad nightmare.
I pricked my ears up, heard something about a charity fete. So much for feeling
happy! Mom is always raising money for something, and the show might be a good
way of doing it, but she’s not getting me there. I had enough the last time.
All that grooming and pampering isn’t for me. And then, horrors above horrors,
I heard another word. Bath. That did
it. When she wasn’t looking I slunk out, heading for the open kitchen door.
Once in the garden I belted towards the plum tree. She’d never find me
up there, and there I would stay until the heat was off. I’ve never
circumnavigated the pond so fast, though why I went round twice I’ll never
know. Even so, I reached the forsythia in record time, scooted up the apple
tree and jumped across to my private haven. Only I missed my aim. The forepaws
made it to the big bough but I couldn’t get a grip with the hind legs. I
struggled to swing them into position but it was no good. For some reason I had
fleeting visions of the male chaffinch trying to get into the bird feeder; our
positions were identical. He failed as well. I remember screeching a few times
as the claws gave up the ghost. Down I crashed, hitting the dirt deck with a terrific
thud, twigs and leaves tumbling with me. Even the birds scarpered. It struck me
then that I was too old for climbing trees.
I’m not sure how mom knew where I was but I’m glad she found me. The
pain in my back leg was excruciating. Honestly, I whimpered like a human while
she bellowed into the telephone. Even in my state of shock I thought it was a
strange thing to do. I mean, the telephone hadn’t done anything to upset her.
And she was truly upset. Tears rolled down her face; she had to keep dabbing
them with a tissue. You’d think she was the one with a painful leg. Humans are
comical at times.
The journey to the vets was fast. Dad drove while mom nursed me on her
lap. She’d wrapped me in a patchwork blanket and kept stroking me between the
ears. I would have enjoyed it but for the pain in the leg. I whimpered a lot to
remind her that I was in agony and that made her cry even more.
When we got there a nurse took me from mom, placed me on the cold
steel table and started to examine me. Then Mr Vet came in, had a quiet
conversation with the nurse before uttering the word operation. It meant nothing to me but I sensed that it was
something unpleasant. It was bad enough having to endure the smell in that
place, a smell that would have put me off having treatment at all if I wasn’t
in so much pain. Mom was in a bad way, sobbing on dad’s shoulder while he tried
to console her with words like she’ll be
fine and the operation will soon be over. Me, I wasn’t so sure. I’ve
heard of cat’s going in there and never coming out.
When the needle went in I felt the hatred rising and decided to show
the nurse how I felt. It was just a little nip but she didn’t half squeal. I
didn’t care; it made me feel a bit better.
Next thing I knew I was lying on a blanket in a cot, with my leg
wrapped in something white. Me... in a cot.
I knew I’d never live that down. I admit I felt better, the leg was sore
but not as painful. Mom was there, uttering words I didn’t understand. Diddums den meant nothing to me but from
the look on her face I knew I wasn’t in trouble. The fall from the plum tree
was like a distant memory. I tried to remember every detail though, just so I
could brag about the experience to Tom and Sukie.
After a short stay at Mr Vet’s place, I was taken home. It was good to
get back to mom and dad, and my giraffe, the earless mouse, and the grey
elephant, and all the other toys that live in a box next to my bed. Even the
snake looked good. I licked his skin a
few times to show there were no hard feelings, after all it wasn’t his fault
he’d been bought to share the life of a cat.
Needless to say it was a fair while before I was able to get out into
the wide world again and since there was no further mention of a cat show I
felt secure. I’d have to embellish the
incident when I told Tom and Sukie about it; it wouldn’t do to be thought of as
a coward by my best friends.
Must be off now, I’ve a bit more mental mouse hunting to do. Meow!

This story reminded me of the time my partner cut off the end of one our cats tails on Christmas Eve, not on purpose of course.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend Valerie.
OMG! I bet there were a few cat screams when that happened. I can't even imagine the scene!
DeleteIs that half a life gone from the cats nine lives? I could picture it all so vividly.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you could picture it all, Dave. I just read through it and was surprised that it seemed almost real lolol
DeleteI'm wondering which of the two evils a cat hates more - a trip to the vet or being in a cat show? I think it's a toss up.
ReplyDeleteI never thought of giving my kitties a cuddly toy to sleep with, but it's a good idea.
My cat has toys, tiny ones, which he tosses about as if they are real. Agree about the toss up!
DeleteValerie, I could literally feel Lee's pain after her fall from the tree. Poor little kitty. I immediately thought the same as your one reader (northsider dave) about losing a life from a cat's nine. I remember several times with my cats (especially Jerry) when they would fall off a table or counter top and somehow manage to always land on their paws. I think that's why many people believe that cats are indestructible. However, they too can have nasty accidents and get seriously hurt, such as your story told.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, my friend, FANTASTIC entry in this series of cat tails!
Hope you're enjoying a lovely Sunday!
X to you and Mr. Charlie
Ron, I have often wondered about the nine lives. Do they really have nine lives or is it something a human made up? I suppose I could look it up on the Net.
DeleteAnother week starts, hope you have a good week ahead.
When we lived in Ireland, our cat Midnight wandered off and returned after three days. Terribly injured, he had been caught in a rat trap but managed to pull free. It took a month for him to heal. I became his best friend. He occasionally left freshly killed field mice at my door.
ReplyDeleteHow awful! Those three days must have been torment.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great series, I hope you run the dog one as well someday.
ReplyDeleteHi kden, there's two chapters or more yet to come. The doggy chapters are longer and might be a tad too long for weekly blogs. I will give it more thought.
ReplyDeleteI shall look forward to reading more Valerie, and have thoroughly enjoyed this series.
ReplyDeleteI am pleased you are enjoying the read, Denise. It was worth blogging the chapters again.
DeleteMost definitely Valerie, I for one would appreciate a repeat whether it was because I like to read them again or I might have missed the first time :) Thank you!
DeleteI must admit to feeling rather badly for the cat having fallen from the plum tree, but all turned out well in the end. Thanks, Valerie for another delightful cat tale.
ReplyDeleteI feel as though I have lived that fall with you!