
22 March 2018


Why does everything shift about on the iPhone. I arrange all those little icons in order of preference and a few days later they’re swopped around to Apple’s order of preference ... or is it the phone company that messes with our phones? It’s little things like this that drive me bonkers. I am quite an organised person and like things to be easy to get at if I’m in a hurry. If I want to see something on the iPhone I want to see it straight away and not have to hunt for it. Fussy, or what?

One thing I am pleased about comes under the heading GOOGLE. All the time I have owned an iPhone and iPad (more years than I can remember) I have been unable to post comments or do anything else remotely connected to this blog unless I gave my password and email address. Not in bulk, but every time, for every different comment. Suddenly, about a month ago, I found I could do it by phone, albeit assuming the eyesight was strong enough to see what I was doing. The only way round that was to do it all on computer. Imagine my surprise, therefore, when I needed to post a comment whilst the computer was switched off and I was in an idle mood. Yes, it was sheer laziness that caused me to do it on the iPad. Just once, I thought, it wouldn’t kill me to go through the procedure just once.

Imagine the shock of not being asked for password or email address. It must be a one off, I thought, but I was wrong. It happens all the time now. Someone must have complained! It wasn’t me, honest, although I was very tempted to write to Google and complain. 


  1. My icons get periodically shifted on my computer...drives me nuts! I used to be able to do blog stuff on my iphone no problem, now I have to do that sign in thing you mention. I just don't bother on my phone anymore.

  2. I hate giving my password all the time on my I-phone, it never remembers if for blogger just my other sites. Must be a Google thing.

  3. Janet, it seems to be okay now, after years of doing things the old way. Thank goodness because I was on the verge of giving up.

  4. The technology changes happen so fast! I just learned what a "sound bar" is for your TV. Who knew? I guess I need to do a better job of keeping up to date!

  5. Carole, there is no warning that things are about to change, it just happens ... and that really riles.

  6. I am beginning to hate it more and more with each passing "improvement."

  7. Me, too, Sharon. With a vengeance.

  8. That's awesome, Valerie! I didn't know that about iPhone's.

    My cell phone is an Antroid which automatically links to anything Google, which connects all my Google accounts into my phone system so that I can respond to my Gmail account or Blogger account. However, I still wait until I come home and can use my computer in order to respond to comments on my own blog and others because it's just easier for me that way. I don't like using my phone for anything other than making calls, texting, occasionally responding to emails, and listening to music, because I don't like using the small screen and keypad on my phone to type out full comments on a blog post. I sometimes find using a phone too confining.

    I'm old-fashioned I suppose, I still prefer using a computer with a separate keyboard and monitor for online socializing.

    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  9. Joeh, it's a relief to know I'm not the only one affected by the constant changing

  10. Ron, I can do all that you can but the size of the print isn't good for ageing eyes lol. You're right, it is easier to use the bigger PC or laptop. You are NOT old fashioned, far from it. Age does play a part in it for me, though. Patience is scarce for one thing. If something doesn't go the way I want it I curse like a real trooper.

    Have a great, trouble free weekend.

  11. Technology is wonderful when it works and drives you crazy when it doesn't.

  12. My sentiments exactly, Val. Why do they have to mess with our stuff? Just leave good enough alone. Take care.

  13. I agree that technology can be so baffling at times, Valerie. Sometimes, I am asked to sign into my blog even when I haven't signed out. Rarely do I need to re-enter email address for other things. And now that you mentioned the rearrangement of icons I will keep a watch on my own but haven't noticed any gremlins at work. perhaps, this could be subject matter for a future story?

  14. I love technology...when it works the way I think it should, ha.

  15. Sounds like you've got your gadgets all sorted Valerie, well done. I still have just a basic cell phone and it suits me fine .🌷 The price was right too, less than 30. CDN at Amazon.

    Hope you and Charlie have a lovely Easter weekend.🐏🐝🐀🌼

  16. Geraldine, I am seriously considering switching to a more basic model. Thanks for popping in, hope you are keeping well.


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