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voice travelled across the field like a whirlwind of crows. Giving an
exasperated sigh, Rab stopped casting his line and leaned against the gnarled
tree. He wondered if he would ever escape his mother’s continuous efforts to
monopolise his time.
was just like the old days, mother nagging son, son hiding from mother. It
wouldn’t be so bad but he was forty-five years of age, more a mature student
than a junior. Despite himself, he
couldn’t help smiling at the idea of his mother standing in the garden calling
Student’. The name was the forfeit he paid for being the youngest
son. He was now a senior executive and well respected but to his mother he
would always be Junior. And he hated it.
by all as Rab, Richard Aloysius Benjamin Kendal decided to ignore his mother’s
call. He had come here for peace and quite, to fish and to contemplate his
future. Elaine had been gone a long time but this was the first time he’d found
someone who fitted in with his lifestyle.
Kendal died in childbirth, taking their son with her. She was twenty-four and
the most stunning woman ever to walk the earth. Everything about her was
beautiful. Her looks, her body, her character. She had only to gaze at him with
those sparkling blue eyes and he was putty in her hands. She had been his
world; from the time they met he wanted nothing else but to be with her.
marriage was a secret affair, wedded bliss without the crowds. Two people in
love. His mother never forgave them for
denying her presence at her son’s wedding although she did rally round when
Elaine died. Rab thought it was more to do with losing a grandson than a
daughter-in-law. The two had never really got on. In fact, she didn’t get on
with either of his brother’s wives. Jacob, the eldest, said to ignore it,
whilst Adrian
reckoned it was a ‘Mom’ thing, a kind of reluctance to take second place in her
boys’ lives.
and Rab had such plans for their first born. Rab had been so sure they were
having a son and he was right, only he wasn’t to know that until Elaine died.
He’d spent months planning to teach his son everything, things like football
and fishing, even dating girls when he was older. He even started to collect
miniature trains in the hope that father and son would bond together over the
Flying Scott and other well known engines.
was twenty years ago. Twenty lonely years spent working his socks off trying to
cope alone, his mother doing her best to remove the desperate isolation that
refused to go away. Oh, it had eased a little but the guilt remained. Rab
blamed himself for Elaine’s death. If he hadn’t made her pregnant they would
still be together. It was a terrible cross to bear.
his mother discovered that the sympathetic approach didn’t work she changed her
policy to one of chastisement. She began to nag, to force him to face the world
and get on with life. Rab felt it was all right for her, having divorced his
father she hadn’t actually lost someone she loved.
was time he moved out. His brothers had repeatedly told him so. Adrian said that
returning to their mother’s home had been a huge mistake and Rab was finally
beginning to see sense. It had taken him long enough.
year after Elaine’s death Rab entered a new phase of existence, working through
the days and months like an automaton.
The guys at the office helped by inviting him to golf clubs, football
games, and nights out until gradually he adopted the routine of a single man.
Most of the time his heart wasn’t in it but he persevered.
mornings were taken up with swimming at the local baths. He swam like a fish
and according to the ladies he was very easy on the eye. Equally fascinated were the female members of
the book club that met on Wednesdays. Rab would go armed with preparation notes
and it rarely registered that the group leader always got him to speak first,
leaving the ladies inwardly drooling.
decision to enrol at night classes was the best idea he’d had. It was through
Brenda, the art teacher, that he started painting landscapes. After a year he
fancied himself as a great artist but his mother wisely ridiculed his dream. He
supposed she was trying to protect him from disappointment although a positive
attitude would definitely have had a more constructive effect.
was his salvation. Landscapes were what
he did best. Weekends were spent touring the countryside with Brenda, hunting
for paint worthy scenes. When she was otherwise engaged he would take advantage
of fine days to set up his easel by a lake or a shingled beach. He was turning
out some good stuff and Brenda’s praise escalated. So did his ego. He did so
well he started to sell his pictures at the local market. He became well known as an artist and his
life took on new meaning.
he and Brenda fell in love.
was drawn to Brenda almost as soon as they met. How well he remembered the
first time he had seen her, how taken aback he was by her uncanny likeness to
Elaine. In
looks she could have passed for Elaine’s twin, the same sparkly eyes, soft,
wavy auburn hair that Rob loved to run his fingers through. Their build was
identical, as was the intelligent way they had of thinking things through.
What’s more they had matching ideals.
their friendship grew he discovered that she had the same temperament as
Elaine, a placid disposition laced with spikiness when confronted by careless
workmen. Rab was astonished that two women could be so alike.
doubts existed. Yes, he loved Brenda, but he had loved Elaine the same way. Now
he was confused because he couldn’t be sure if he was making her a surrogate
for the wife he’d adored.
gazed into the lake, seeing the ripples made by a jumping fish, but all
thoughts of fishing were now abandoned. At the top of a nearby bush a yellowhammer
chirped its message. It was a bird Rab easily recognised having read somewhere
that the yellowhammer’s call sounded like ‘a little bit of bread and no
cheese’. Easy for him, he thought, the world was its oyster, no worries, no
nagging doubts. He rubbed his hand against his chin, feeling the forming
stubble, wishing that dilemmas were as easy to remove.
should he do? Should he break off the relationship with Brenda? He shivered,
even on that warm day the thought of separation made him go cold. How could he
cut himself off from Brenda’s warmth now that he’d got used to it. But wasn’t
that the problem? Wasn’t her warmth bringing about the resurrection of his
first love?
mother’s voice cut through the depression. Slowly Rab pushed away from the tree
and got to his feet. It was no use ignoring her summons any longer. Reluctantly
he drew in the rod and creel and packed his fishing tackle away. Stepping over
the thick tree roots he made his way to the field gate.
smell of grilled pork was enough to make Rab forget his troubles for a
while. Cooking was what Rhoda Kendal did
best. Watching her serve roast potatoes from a willow pattern dish, five on
Rab’s plate and two on her own, was making his mouth water. He couldn’t wait to
start eating. That was one of the things about fishing, it gave him a
tremendous appetite.
phoned,’ Rhoda informed him as she doled out spoonfuls of sprouts. ‘I told her
you were out fishing; she said she’d ring back.’
God. The nervousness came back. His hands felt clammy. What could he say when
she rang? The last time they’d spoken the conversation had ended on a
precarious note, his rejection of an invitation to meet her father leaving her
bewildered and just a little exasperated.
a jug of steaming gravy in front of him, Rhoda urged him to start eating or the
Vicar would arrive before they’d finished.’
Vicar! Rab had completely forgotten he was coming. If only he was in a better
frame of mind he might enjoy seeing the man. Rev. Beresford was a great guy, a
widower. He’d been a big help at Elaine’s funeral, the only one who could offer
solace as well as common sense. It was perhaps fortuitous that he was calling
when Rab was feeling so down. Rab began to eat the meal somewhat heartily,
feeling suddenly brighter, as if a magic wand had been waved over him.
Beresford put his hat on the telephone table and swept into the room. He was
full of bonhomie, greeting Rhoda like a long lost friend instead of one he’d
seen only the day before. He approached Rab with equal friendliness, offering
his hand and patting him on the shoulder. ‘So nice of you to invite me round,
Rhoda. The church bazaar will benefit from your expertise,’ he said.
only did Rhoda help with the floral decorations, she also planned the layout of
the stalls. The vicar swore no-one else did the job as well, a sentiment that
Rab thought was slightly over the top. It pleased his mother no end; she
preened like a peacock under his praise.
gushingly invited him to sit down and proceeded to lay her plans on the table.
They were to peruse them to see if there was any way they could expand the
number of stalls at the bazaar.
was about to join them when the telephone rang. He tried to ignore it but Rhoda
was adamant that it would be Brenda and therefore he must take the call. Rab
felt his confidence wane. He muttered something about ‘being out’ and gesturing
to his mother to give Brenda his apologies.
Beresford looked from one to the other, obviously mystified by Rab’s reluctance
to talk to his lady friend.
afternoon wore on with Rab feeling very low spirited. When the plans were
finalised the Vicar, after declining a third cup of tea, rose to leave. Rab
handed him his hat, inwardly reeling from the man’s direct gaze.
don’t you come and see me sometime,’ the Vicar said. ‘I generally take a glass
of something in the evening and you would be more than welcome to join me.’
Without waiting for a reply, he left the room to say goodbye to Rhoda who was
waiting by the front door.
evening Rab did call to see the Vicar. He had been intending to go to the
Golden Goose but half way there he changed his mind. It wouldn’t hurt to go and
see the old guy in his own establishment. The fact that he had deliberately
avoided speaking to Brenda was worrying him. No matter how he felt about things
avoidance was uncalled for. She, after all, had done nothing wrong. The
worrying part was that she was so sweet natured she wouldn’t think anything was
amiss. That was even more upsetting.
a fairly regular churchgoer it was the first time Rab had been inside the
vicarage. He was surprised by the warmth of the decor. For a single man the
Vicar had extremely good taste. The furnishings were comfortable and inviting
and the soft lighting made the room quite cosy. What surprised him was seeing
one of his paintings in an alcove next to the fireplace.
liked the way you captured the serenity of the lake,’ explained the Vicar. ‘The
picture suits this room, don’t you think?
smiled as he thanked the Reverend. It felt good to know that his work was
appreciated. Glancing through the window he saw a tidy garden edged by tall
trees, the waning sun producing shadowy shapes on the lawn. In the centre there
was an arrangement of colourful flowers in a large stone pot, its shadow
stretching out to touch a wooden bench at the side. He committed the scene to
was invited to sit in the armchair facing the one used by his host. Reverend
Beresford’s chair was beside a coffee table already laid with a tray of drinks.
Holding up a glass and a bottle of scotch, he enquired of Rab’s preference. Rab
declined the whisky on the grounds that it might affect his driving and asked
instead for a small glass of white wine.
a good half an hour of untailored conversation, Rab raised the subject of his
relationship with Brenda. It wasn’t something he had intended to do and he
wondered if the peaceful ambience of the room had influenced his thinking.
yes,’ said the Reverend, ‘I detected something was wrong when you refused to
talk to her on the phone.’
so Rab divulged all, starting with a résumé of his life with Elaine and how,
after all these years, he still missed her.
vicar placed his glass on the table. ‘That’s understandable when you were so
much in love.’
forward, Rab placed his elbows on his knees, resting his chin on his hands.
‘Vicar,’ he went. ‘I also love Brenda. The only trouble is I’m not sure whether
it’s my love for Elaine showing through. Elaine and Brenda are so much alike I
often think Brenda is the reincarnation of my wife. I can’t let the
relationship continue while I’m so uncertain.’
Vicar looked thoughtful. For a moment or two he remained silent, just sitting
there gazing at Rab. Finally he asked ‘Remind me, how long has it been since
Elaine died?’
do you know they look the same? Forgive me for saying this but if Elaine was
alive now she might look entirely different to Brenda. I fear you are living in
the past, Rab, and it’s time to move on. Anyway, is it so terrible to have the
same strong feelings for Brenda as you had for Elaine? Doesn’t that prove
hadn’t expected such a reply. ‘Prove what,’ he asked?
my friend, it proves that you are capable of great love. Now, if you stop
comparing the two women you might understand what I mean. I don’t want to sound
too severe, Rab, but Elaine has been gone a long time. The shock of losing her
was monumental but you moved forward. Naturally you will never forget her but
now you need to look at Brenda in a new light. She isn’t Elaine, and you know
it. You are merely tormenting yourself. For pity’s sake, man, don’t feel guilty
for falling in love a second time.’
first Rab felt wounded by these remarks, but then an element of common sense
crept in. ‘So you think it’s all right to love two women in exactly the same
not ‘exactly’ the same, Rab. It’s a new love, and a new life. Have you talked
to Brenda about it?’
Lord, no.’
didn’t know the answer to that question. He had wanted to discuss it with
Brenda but it had never seemed the right thing to do. He didn’t know how she
would take the fact that he loved her as he had loved Elaine.’
Beresford reached across and picked up Rab’s glass. As he stood to pour more
wine, he suggested that Rab explained his feelings to Brenda as soon as
possible. ‘Trust me, dear boy, she will be grateful for your honesty.’
quizzed her son about his evening with the Vicar. ‘I’ve been worried about you
for a while now,’ she said. ‘You and I have never been able to discuss things,
that’s why I invited the Reverend round here. If anyone can talk sense, he
did you know I’d been to see him?’
admitted that the Vicar had reported back.
a moment’s silence Rab started to laugh, and Rhoda laughed with him. ‘Your old
Mum isn’t so bad, you know. I might be an old nag but I have your interests at
gave his mother a huge hug and whispered in her ear,’ I love you, Mom. I’ve
been such a mental mess lately.’
know son. I know. And I hope it’s all over now.’ Just like a Mom, she pecked
his cheek, then went to brew a pot of tea.
evening Rab rang Brenda at her home. First he apologised for not taking her
call and then he asked if she would like to go out for a meal the next day.
‘I’ve got so much to tell you,’ he said. Hearing her cheerful acceptance made
him feel good about himself. In fact his heart felt full to bursting knowing
that finally his future was sound.