Hoping you hadn't read this before..... thing is, I am trying to master the ways and means of posting on this new style Blogger.
It is an old post but one that proves the existence of ghosts. I promise you it is all true.
It came about when someone posted an item about
ghosts and asked if anyone had a similar experience. Well I once had a ghost in my
house, and the following is a brief description.
My Ghost Story in brief:
Time: during
young son’s infancy
Location: home,
a ground floor flat
First sign:
present given to Jon: a cone thingy that shot table tennis balls into the air.
Ø Ball
falls to the lounge floor and rolls under a chair. Chair’s location was in
front of a small radiator affixed to the wall, the other side of which (in
kitchen) was the airing cupboard. Immediately moved the chair to retrieve the
ball, but it wasn’t there. Searched high and low but couldn’t find it. It’s not
often you can say you actually saw something disappear, but I actually watched
it go.
Other signs:
Ø Small
items of clothing disappearing from airing cupboard which was situated in the kitchen
… adjacent to the radiator on the other side of the wall where the ball
Ø Small
toys disappearing from all over the flat.
Ø An
unexplained fruity smell in the kitchen.
Ø All
the above occurred over a seven year period, until Jon went to boarding school.
Only during holidays did things go wrong.
Second sign:
Christmas gift bottle of sherry from workmates was placed on stereo near television.
Curtains were drawn, and the room lit by a single table lamp. Jon and I were
sitting on the settee watching a programme when suddenly a shaft of light
circled the bottle before hovering over the ceiling then swooping out of the
room via the open door. I thought maybe Jon was playing silly whatsits with his
watch but he was sprawled out and engrossed in the telly. He wasn’t wearing his
watch. That was the only really scary occurrence. I went into the garden to
check if someone was there (not afraid of the dark in those days) but there was
no-one. There wasn’t even a chink in the curtain so if there had been someone
no sighting could be had of the room.
Ø Several
years later, a spiritualist husband of a work colleague sent a message to say I
should call the ghost’s bluff and ask for the return of the table tennis ball,
which was the first thing to go missing. I thought it worth a try so I chose a
time when I was alone. Ooooh I did feel a fool talking to thin air and asking
for my ball back. Well I did it and there the matter ended. Nothing else
disappeared from that moment on.
Conclusion, months later:
Ø Talking
to neighbour, Joan, she expressed surprise that Jon wasn’t at school. When I
told her he was, she said she’d heard him in the garden quite late at night
when she herself was out calling for her cat to come in. ‘Come on, Blackie’ she
called and a child’s voice said ‘He’s here, Mrs M.’ Interesting! The only child
in the area was mine and he was definitely away at school. All the residents
were elderly and they never had night time visitors. I told Joan she must have
been mistaken, but she was adamant she’d heard a kid out there. I didn’t think
about the conversation until later in the day when I went into my garden and
found a table tennis ball on the back step.
History of House:
Ø We
later discovered that years before I moved into the house a little girl died
there, I cannot remember clearly but I think she died in an accident. Theory
goes that her restless spirit returned to play. My son was the first child to
inhabit the property since her death.
I used this real life experience to create a short
story, changing, elaborating, and using writer’s licence to make the story
worth reading.