I do admire keep fit fanatics
primarily because I can no longer follow the same
energetic pursuit. However, I do dislike seeing elderlies almost knocked over by inexperienced runners. Yes, it happened recently to an elderly man, right in front of me. Fortunately, he didn’t hit the deck or Mr Runner would have felt the power of my hand. Yep, I might be ancient but I could still pull a punch if pushed, or should I say when pushed? To give him his due he didn’t run off but he didn’t even ask how the guy was. He had stopped – end of story!
energetic pursuit. However, I do dislike seeing elderlies almost knocked over by inexperienced runners. Yes, it happened recently to an elderly man, right in front of me. Fortunately, he didn’t hit the deck or Mr Runner would have felt the power of my hand. Yep, I might be ancient but I could still pull a punch if pushed, or should I say when pushed? To give him his due he didn’t run off but he didn’t even ask how the guy was. He had stopped – end of story!
It used to happen in the local park,
both Joe and I reported to each other
incidents whereby we were bothered by runners and cyclists who wanted the paths (not roads) to themselves, using bad language to make us shift. No matter that we were three times their age and less able to move quickly.
incidents whereby we were bothered by runners and cyclists who wanted the paths (not roads) to themselves, using bad language to make us shift. No matter that we were three times their age and less able to move quickly.
Cyclists were the scariest. Apparently
bells don’t exist anymore. I spotted this piece of information which was
published in 2011.
requirement for all new bikes to be fitted with a bell before they leave the
shop is one of 142 transport-related regulations likely to be scrapped by the
Department for Transport (DfT) in response to a ‘Red Tape Challenge’ launched
in May.’
It’s a long article which mentioned
cyclists on roads and footpaths but no mention of park paths that are close to
animals and their dens and passing walkers, paths which to my mind should only
be used by walkers. Perhaps one day the powers-that-be will reconsider or at
least make some effort to train cyclists in the art of cycling in a considerate
manner. There is nothing worse for hard of hearing people and the elderlies
than to have a bicycle skim by in scary fashion.
Thought for the day: Cyclists protect themselves with helmets but a mere walker doesn't. Maybe the law should change so that walkers wear protective gear as well. Coats lined with steel wouldn't come amiss!
Thought for the day: Cyclists protect themselves with helmets but a mere walker doesn't. Maybe the law should change so that walkers wear protective gear as well. Coats lined with steel wouldn't come amiss!
Although I miss my dogs, I am glad I
don’t have to walk in parks anymore. It’s
far too terrifying.