of the shopping had been put away. Only the packets of instant gravy and
cook-in-sauces needed to be filed in date order and the milk cartons stacked so
that the boys wouldn't open the last one first. Susan
glanced around the kitchen then decided that the last of her purchases, the
wooden rolling pin, the Italian dinner plates, and a bouquet of silk flowers,
could wait until she had supped a mug of tea. There was no hurry, so long as
all evidence of shopping was cleared away before Henry
finished his surgery. He was a stickler for tidiness and, with her head the way
it was, she didn't want to incur his displeasure.
It wasn't the crowded
supermarket that gave her the headache, it was the casual bumping into Julian , the man of her life twenty years ago. Her
stomach eddied at the memory of her storming round the corner of the dog food
aisle, her loaded trolley showing a reluctance to conform, veering in the
opposite direction and colliding into the conveyance belonging to Julian Binchy .
She was sure she had blasphemed before looking up, but Julian
made no mention of it. He simply rushed to her side, agog with recognition.
'Sue Fassett ,'
he exclaimed. 'I don't believe it.'
'It's Weldon now,' she said,
reaching for a packet of Kipper's favourite mixer. It wasn't on the list but it
was a great way to hide her confusion.
Flashbacks of their courtship
assailed her, twenty years shrinking to nothing. It seemed only yesterday that Julian had waltzed off with Sadie ,
a fashion model with hooks instead of claws. That last day Sadie had been dressed in a skimpy top and
bottom-hugging shorts, scarlet-tipped toes protruding from strappy high-heeled
sandals. She had clung like a leach to Julian .
Her Julian .
'You've got a dog then?'
His words jerked her attention
back to her surroundings, replacing Sadie 's
image with his own dark features, the mole on his chin being the first thing
she focused on. In her hand was a can of tripe which Kipper would demolish in
two seconds flat. 'Labrador ,' she said.
'Kipper, after the theft of same. We'd just got him home from the farm. Six
weeks old, with a liking for fish. He didn't go for meat much ....' She
stopped, uncomfortably aware that she was babbling.
'My husband, Henry .'
'I married Sadie ,
you know.'
'Shush!' Susan
stopped him, fearing he might say something untoward and that she might be
tempted to launch into a dialogue of self-pity. She knew about doctors, the
extra hours they were forced to work, their tiredness when eventually they got
home, and the irritableness. Sadie
would have had quite a shock and serve her right.
There were numerous occasions
during the twenty years when Susan
wished she had married Julian instead
of Henry , certain that her first-love
would be more tolerant of her clutter and disorganisation. She leaned forward
to catch what Julian was saying, deafened by a commotion coming from a nearby
table, where three bellowing kids were hell bent on driving their mother
Fancy not being able to cook, Susan thought, studying her nibbled biscuit.
Goodness, Henry could produce a
souffle at the drop of a hat and his bread was always done to a turn. In fact,
for a whole month after the operation to remove her appendix, he provided the
most varied and appetising meals.
'Couldn't get in the sink for
crockery,' Julian said. 'I asked Sadie once if I could use her dishwasher, but she
'And the laundry just piled up.
I got fed up in the end and bought new shirts.'
'Couldn't you have put things to
soak while you were at work?' Susan
'How could I, with the sink full
of crocks?'
'That's enough about my
problems,' said Julian . 'Tell me about
But Susan
hadn't any to relate. In one hour Julian
had unknowingly demolished every one. The mind was a funny thing, it played
tricks without one knowing, blotting out things like meanness and
self-importance. But Julian had lost
no time in reminding her and the pedestal had finally toppled. 'I'm afraid I
must dash, Julian . The boys will be
home from school and there's Henry 's
tea to prepare.' Ignoring his forlorn look, she picked up her bag. 'Goodbye. It
was very pleasant seeing you again.' Before he could reply she trotted off to
collect her trolley, already planning a change to the evening menu. She would
freeze the cod and serve instead an asparagus starter, fillet steak with pepper
sauce, green beans and potato salad. Henry 's
favourite. Long overdue.
the blue china plates were washed and positioned on the dresser, Susan arranged the silk flowers in a terracotta jug.
She gathered up the cellophane wrapper, a profusion of rubber bands, and the
till receipt. She glanced at the total, the most she had spent in one go for
some considerable time. Sixty-nine pounds exactly. The check-out girl had
smiled as she said it, then asked if it was more or less what Susan expected. Susan
had replied that it was the best day's shopping she had ever done. Real value
for money.

mmm interesting, there is a good moral embedded in this story...funny too how we make that grass greener than it often is...smiles.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Brian, there is food for thought here (no pun intended)!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your short stories Val, keep them coming.
Happy Week, G
Hi Valerie, right now I don't have time to read this but will be eager to when we get in the hotel tonight. Gregg has just told me we need to get out of here and start our trip. And the text must be enormous now because I enlarged it as it was too small for me. Thank you for the tip on reducing it or enlarging it. I shall figure it out tonight. Have a good one :)
ReplyDeleteFascinating story. I also felt butterflies in my stomach when Sue thought of the effect Julian had on her. Who hasn't gone through a similar situation in life? :-)
ReplyDeleteGreetings from London.
Sometimes seeing what you missed makes what you've got better. ;)
ReplyDeleteI liked this short story! In life, there's a consequence for every action, isn't there? Keep 'em coming, Val! This was nicely done.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mona. Yes, always a consequence.
ReplyDeletePearl, that's happened to me a few times.
Thank you, Geraldine, I'm on the repeats now... grins.
Brian, someone told me that the moral was too well hidden... I'm glad you spotted it... grins.
A Cuban, I imagine most of us have gone through similar scenarios. I'm pleased you found the story fascinating.
ReplyDelete"Susan had replied that it was the best day's shopping she had ever done. Real value for money."
ReplyDeleteWonderful finish, Valerie!
We sometimes wonder about the choices we've made and are given the opportunity to see that, yes, we DID make the right one!
Great story with a great lesson!
Well done, dear lady!
Great story. Nicely written. Everyone needs a wake up call to be reminded of what is important.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ron. It's funny how things occur to remind us to count our blessings.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rae, glad you enjoyed this short story.
ReplyDeleteSometimes we don't realize what we have right in front of us! Great story, Val!
ReplyDeleteAwesome snapshot in time. Loved the expressive writing in this post. Will have to use this piece as an example of how to describe things instead of just telling the reader what they see. Again, your writing leaves me humbled...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Herman. Let me say here and now that you're writing is brilliant. The way you express scenes and things is positively awesome. Every time I read your weekly story I envy your talent.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant story Valerie, this was the first thing I read this morning. I'm enjoying it from a hotel room before we start our day's journey :)