It depended on the weather how Kelly
viewed the door in the wall. If it was cold and wet she envisaged spooky things
on the other side, but if it was a summer day she imagined fairies dancing
amongst the daisies. It was silly, considering she had no idea what was on the other side and she had never
dared to explore.
The door was an old fashioned style made
of wood with two enormous pieces of ironwork top and bottom. It was set in the huge wall that edges
the acres of grounds belonging to the big house, nestled comfortably beneath the
boughs of a horse chestnut tree. Village children gathered to collect the conkers in
autumn, but Kelly was too grown up now to bother with childish things.
Her home was stone’s throw away, on
the edge of the wooded glade that overlooked the house. The path from there to
the sweet shop led her past the door but buying sweets was not her reason for
walking that way. She was fascinated by the door. Each passing produced an
imaginative assortment of unlikely scenes, from dead bodies and dungeons to
princesses and knights on white horses. Mama said Kelly’s romancing would lead
her into trouble one day.
This morning, she had heard the
strangest thing: a cry, from the other side of the door. She passed there often
enough but never before had she heard or seen anyone near the place. Could
someone be trapped in there, trying to get out? Tentatively she reached up to
press the latch, fearful of what she might find if she went inside. Feeling a
little guilty, she took a step back as the door creaked open. What if there was
a real life monster? What if it ate her alive? She chided herself for being
foolish. After all, she was a big girl now. No need to be scared. Didn’t Dada
always tell her to be brave and tackle even the things she didn’t like! She
wished he was here now to help her face the sudden unknown. Somewhere in the
distance, Kelly could hear music. A gentle tune that sent her fears flying.
Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the doorway.
Elf was dangling from a tree, his
braces caught on an unyielding branch. Suspended like a rag doll, he was powerless;
there was nothing to grab, no more branches, or wooden posts, or even flowers,
all he could do was swing and the more he wriggled the faster he swung.
Far below, nestling in the ferns, the
black Cat gave a malicious grin; he was disinclined to help one who had so
recently yanked his tail. For the past half hour he had amused himself by
watching the sweat form on Elf’s brow. Unexpectedly the sun went in and Cat
turned his head to see what caused it. That was when he saw Kelly clambering
over logs in an attempt to reach the swinging Elf. Cat twitched his whiskers
and flicked his tail, suddenly unsure. He had never seen a human here before,
only fairies, and she was definitely not a fairy. She had no wings and wasn’t
nearly as beautiful. Perhaps, Cat thought, he should bare his teeth to let the
intruder know she wasn’t welcome.
‘Help me,’ cried Elf.
‘I’m coming,’ yelled Kelly, as she
yanked away a mass of twigs. She looked
round for something to stand on. Spotting an old crate near the wall, she
hurried up the path to fetch it. She didn’t hear Cat hissing as she went by.
When she reached the crate, the sun disappeared altogether and she could hardly
see anything in the sudden gloom.
Unbalanced by a gust of wind she had
to steady herself against the wall. She shuddered and wished she hadn’t been so
foolhardy. Hadn’t she heard adults talk of things happening behind the door in
the wall?
While she was balanced on the upturned
crate, she tried to reach the braces that were holding the Elf firmly in place.
Cat watched from below.
you hook your arm in one of the straps, you might have enough strength to yank
it over the branch, whispered the wind.
Kelly looked round to see who had
spoken, peering through a misty cloud to where she thought the voice came from.
All she saw was Cat darting away. In so doing she toppled on the crate and
fell. The pain in her foot was so awful she cried out for someone to help.
Don’t look at me, thought Cat, from
his hiding place.
Elf called out, ‘Are you alright,
They were either walls or tall grassy
banks that made Kelly think she had fallen into a tunnel. She thought only a
tunnel could be so dark; yet not pitch black because in the distance there was a
light, small and piercing in the darkness. She wondered if she should try and
reach it. Or would it be better to go back and find her way to the door. However,
since her foot hurt so much she didn’t know how she would get there. The light
grew brighter, seemed to be coming closer. And there was that music again,
tinkling notes echoing in the gloom like tiny voices. And more lights. Kelly
squeezed her eyes together and then peered again into the distance.
Sliding towards her was a cloud of dense
grey smoke. Originally shaped like some kind of monster, the smoke continually
reforming into different guises. At first sighting Kelly thought it was a
serpent, but then it swelled and rose in height until it converted into an animal.
Bear-like. After a minute spent shaking its weird form the smoke flattened down
to nothing before restructuring into a human shape. The weird music continued
throughout, which was probably why Kelly was scared and fascinated at the same
And then came the greatest surprise
of all.
A parade of fairies. Kelly rubbed
her eyes in disbelief. When she looked again they were still there, standing to
attention beside the newly formed giant. It was a sight to behold. The fairies
were all dressed differently, some carrying wands, others holding candles high
above their heads. Kelly couldn’t take her eyes off the one who led the
procession, gossamer dress floating as she danced towards her, with tiny stars
fluttering like tumbleweed from a cascade of long hair. Kelly drew in a breath,
now totally bewitched by the spectacle. Her
name was Laila, though Kelly had no idea how she knew that.
For a fairy, Laila was quite
dominant. Pointing towards the opening through which Kelly had fallen, she
demanded to know what all the commotion was about. Her voice was unlike any
Kelly had heard, it reminded her of the triangle she played at school, described
by her teacher as tunefully abrasive. Still with her arm raised, Laila
explained that their Ghost was beside himself with confusion. She inclined her
head towards the smoke which had now taken on the shape of an old man with a
long beard.
Kelly frowned, not
Laila introduced Kelly to the man. Our Ghost, she said, by way of
introduction, our non-creature. Now, tell
me what happened on the land above.
Kelly explained about Elf and described
how she tried to rescue him before falling into this burrow. ‘I wonder if you
could help me get back there. By now Elf is probably fighting with Cat and he
can’t have got himself out of the mess he was in.’
Under Laila’s guidance two of the
fairies took Kelly’s arms and flew with her up to the hole. Kelly knew a
moment’s thrill when she felt herself whisked off the ground so that she was
gliding upwards.
Once on terra firma the fairies went
directly to the tree where Elf still swung, then proceeded to form themselves
into a set of steps, each one bending at a different angle to facilitate a
climb up to the tree.
‘Couldn’t you fly?’ whispered Kelly.
The fairy smiled. Yes, we could, but we need to provide a
platform for Elf to walk on once he’s free.
Kelly wished she’d had the sense to
realise that.
It took a few minutes to free Elf,
who had the wit to look apologetic as soon as he stood upright.
right, said Laila, since you were the
cause of poor Kelly’s injury.
Kelly looked down at her foot,
realising suddenly that it had stopped hurting.
In a matter of minutes Cat was tried
and sentenced for neglecting to assist the Elf. Punishment involved some hard
labour ... helping Ghost with his nightly spectral chores. Something Kelly
thought would suit Cat down to the ground.
Even though she was excused from
giving evidence, Kelly was rewarded with three gold seeds that were reputed to
bring happiness and good health all her days. She was also praised for her part
in sending for help. Apart from falling down a hole and hurting her foot, she
couldn’t for the life of her think how she had
summoned help. Unless.... unless it was really Ghost who did it in one of
his many forms. After all, when she thought back, he (or whatever he was) had
been on the scene before the fairies. He had seemed agitated, evidenced by the
way he discarded various shapes in favour of the old gentleman. She knew from
her family that older people were kind and considerate so perhaps that applied
to ghosts as well.
An hour later Kelly returned home,
having promised only to visit when invited. In her hand she clutched the three
gold seeds and tried to think where she could put them to keep them safe. She
would never forget the incident and she knew that henceforth her view of ghosts
and fairies would be entirely different to previous ideas. She wasn’t sure
about cats but she would always remember what went on behind the door in the
‘Where have you been, you naughty
girl? Dinner was two hours ago.’ Mama was at the sink, her fat arms covered in
soap suds as she almost threw plates onto the draining board. She looked very
Although Kelly was old enough to
stay out, she had always told Mama where she was going. It was something she’d thought
long and hard about on the way home but still hadn’t come up with a good enough
reason for missing the family meal. She put her hands in her pocket to make
sure the golden seeds were still there. As she gently fingered them she knew
she couldn’t tell the truth about going through the door in the wall. Her
parents just wouldn’t understand.

oh how magical....what a fun tale as well...smiles...the end, its hard it seems for adults to see these things still, though i try...smiles.
ReplyDeleteHa, magical indeed! This was a fun story, Val. Keep 'em coming!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Brian. I did this in a hurry and really should have edited a bit more. Glad you liked it, though.
ReplyDeleteWill do if I can, Mona.
Valerie, this story was truly a DELIGHT to read!
As Brian shared, MAGICAL!!!!
And the characters were so visually vivid, that I could SEE them.
It was like a cross between Alice In Wonderland and Peter Pan!
Well done, dear lady! I can so see this being made into a children's book with the coolest illustrations!
That was lovely Valerie - truly charming. Did you write it just for me? It felt like it because I love fairies. Keep writing.
ReplyDeleteOooh Star, thank you. I had no idea you liked fairies.
ReplyDeleteRon, if I knew someone who did illustrations I might be able to extend the writing... emphasis on the MIGHT, you understand...grins.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great fairy tale! Wonderful descriptions! I enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Pat. As I shared with Ron, if I had taken more time I could have made more of the story. Lesson learned!
ReplyDeleteWhat a delicious secret Kelly has!
ReplyDeleteA magical tale indeed. I really enjoyed reading this story Val. :<)
ReplyDeleteEnchanting. Reminds me of "The Enchanted Cottage" my mum would read.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! The end made me grin so much my cheeks hurt. Now, if only she would plant those seeds. I'm curious to see what would grow.
ReplyDeleteGreat job! Really enjoyed this tale.
This should be bound and illustrated a lovely story. I could read it to my kids if it had pictures too.